Contact details
Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources
Hellenic Agricultural Organisation (H.A.O.) - DEMETER
Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece
tel: +302310471544 internal103
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My name is Afroditi Tsampalla or Aphrodite Tsaballa (the everlasting trouble writing greek names and surnames in english). I am currently a researcher (Grade D) at the Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources (IPBGR) of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (HAO) - Demeter, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
My research area is mainly plant breeding and genomics. More specifically, I'm working on the employment of modern -omics technologies in applied plant science research and in facilitating the breeding process towards making plants more productive and of higher quality. Major research domains are genetics of fruit development and quality in diverse plant species in relation to plant grafting, epigenetics (small RNAs) and plant responses to stresses, the analysis of next-generation sequencing data for the study of specific gene networks and molecular breeding.
I am a member of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Alumni Association and the Onassis' Scholars Association.
Within my webpage you can find a short biography, a list of my publications and a list of current projects.
I am open to discuss research ideas and collaborative funding proposals.
February 28, 2018
New Genomics Lab at the IPBGR
At the IPBGR, we are currently a team of highly motivated young researchers involved in plant molecular biology that's looking for collaborations. I am delighted to announce that our institute has recently secured funding for the expansion of our genomics lab that soon will run with more molecular biology equipment. More detalis to follow but in the meantime you can check our lab's Research Gate page following the link below.
November 30, 2017
New Research Role
Joined the Hellenic Agricultural Oranization (HAO) - Demeter as a researcher of plant breeding and genomics (Grade D). I am currently based at the Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetics Resources, in Thessaloniki, Greece.